We are no longer using stupid Yahoo, I tried to use geocities to upload the site but half of the stuff didn't work! So don't use the http://www.geocities.com/superdragonballz1 url anymore because that won't be updated. This is our final layout, we are currently working on getting more content.
We need graphic designers to make banners, people to find photos for our gallery, and we also have some moderator spots open on the forums. Of course full credit will be given to those who help. If you are interested in any of these spots please contact me.
-Super Vegeta
We added more saga summaries to the saga section. We also added some animated gifs to the multimedia section. We are going to start work on a forum tommorow and it should be up Friday or Saturday. I am going to ask one of our affiliates if we can share their episodes. I hope they say yes! I am also going to sign up for some toplists, we do not believe in force voting but please vote every day!
-Super Vegeta
We added episode guides for DB, DBZ, and DBGT. We are looking for help to get more content. We are going to set up forums for the site soon. If you want to help click here to contact me. Also if you want to link to us please click here and include the urlof your site and the name of your site. We will reply to your message if we would like to link to you.
-Super Vegeta
Link to us:
Right click the image, click save as. Then make a link to Super Dragon Ball on your site with the image as the text.

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